Order Number G.O.(MS) No.119/04/H.Edn. 17-09-2004
Staff pattern of NTS. UGC Librarian post
Order number G.O.(MS) No.60/2016/H.Edn. 29-02-2016
Staff pattern of NTS in Private/Training/Arabic Colleges
Order number G.O.(MS) N0.80/2018/H.Edn. 10-04-2018
Cancellation of orders of posting UGC librarians since 4th grade librarian continue as supernumerary
Library Management
Career Advancement
G.O. (MS) No.113/92/H.Edn 29-06-1992
Duty leave for attending refresher courses and seminars for teachers/librarians/Physical education teachers
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DCE Handbook of colleges
As a part of these efforts the Central Government have revised the pay scales of teachers in Universities and colleges in order o attract and retain talent in the.