Library Consortia

Library Consortia

Through consortia, members of library can achieve which cannot be achieved
individually. Its major intention is sharing of resources, services, manpower and
money. In a very short time it became the effective scheme to increase the buying
power and risk sharing capacity of individual libraries. Resource sharing is possible
without sacrificing the individuality of each member library. The end users can make
use of the benefits of more resources than that would be obtainable through one
library. The staff can adapt the system to meet their individual library’s requirements.
It can be a single agency with multiple locations around the globe, all sharing one
name, or consortia members can retain their own name, but use the name of the
consortia to identify that they are the part of a larger, often global, organization. It
functions as a controller for sharing the electronic resource at the national, regional
and local levels.

In this page we are showing some of the prominent Library Consortia. Most of them are subscription based.


JSTOR provides access to more than 12 million academic journal articlesbooks, and primary sources in 75 disciplines.

Jstor help you explore a wide range of scholarly content through a powerful research and teaching platform. Jstor collaborate with the academic community to help libraries connect students and faculty to vital content while lowering costs and increasing shelf space, provide independent researchers with free and low-cost access to scholarship, and help publishers reach new audiences and preserve their content for future generations.

Full runs of more than 2,600 top scholarly journals in the humanities, social sciences, and sciences. JSTOR works with a diverse group of nearly 1,200 publishers from more than 57 countries to preserve and make their content digitally available. 60,000 DRM-free ebooks from scholarly publishers, integrated with journals and primary sources on JSTOR. The collection includes both backlist and frontlist titles, and there are no limitations on the number of uses or downloads.

JSTOR archival journal collections include more than two thousand journals in the humanities, social sciences, and sciences. All issues, from volume 1, issue 1, are provided for every journal up to the moving wall, including all previous and related titles. JSTOR offers 15 Arts & Sciences collections that span 60 disciplines, and the Life Science Collection comprises more than 160 journals in the field sciences, and broad coverage of the health sciences. The JSTOR Essential Collection features foundational content in the humanities and social sciences.

Access on payment. User name and password will be given to the members of member institutions. pay for a single article is also possible.


Based on the recommendation of an Expert Committee, the MHRD has formed e-ShodhSindhu merging three consortia initiatives, namely UGC-INFONET Digital Library Consortium, NLIST and INDEST-AICTE Consortium.The e-ShodhSindhu will continue to provide current as well as archival access to more than 15,000 core and peer-reviewed journals and a number of bibliographic, citation and factual databases in different disciplines from a large number of publishers and aggregators to its member institutions including centrally-funded technical institutions, universities and colleges that are covered under 12(B) and 2(f) Sections of the UGC Act.

Based on the recommendations for resources received through the online e-resources requisition system (, the eSS has negotiated rates of subscription for selected resources. The resources are listed at online portal and the negotiated rates of subscription can be viewed by logging in to the online portal. You may register for the portal and select the resources that will be useful for your institution.

The institutions have to pay the subscription directly to the publishers for subscription of the resources and inform the same to the Consortium through the online portal.

List of Resources on Education in eshodh sindhu

Universities and colleges in India can be members by paying the amount negotiable foe required databases.