Welcome To Teclib Forum
Teclib forum is an academic group formed in 2010 with seven teacher education college librarians as the founding members. We had similar working atmosphere and situations at our institutions. So we resolved to collaborate to share technical such as academic information to save the time for technical and instructional duties. We wished to standardise the nature of management and services in our libraries. To start with, we have created a blog right after the inception of the forum. Here is the URL, https://teclibforum.blogspot.in/2010/ . The Teclib forum conducted workshops, seminars and honoring ceremonies to motivate the fellow librarians in Teacher Education colleges and other academic libraries.
Now in 2017 the forum decided to launch a website that act as the common platform to share technical and academic information and set the common quality standard in teacher education college libraries in Kerala. We are planning to join hands with the self financing teacher education college libraries and government teacher education college libraries in the coming years.