Library Associations


The International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA) is the leading international body representing the interests of library and information services and their users. It is the global voice of the library and information profession.


The American Library Association is a nonprofit organization based in the United States that promotes libraries and library education internationally. It is the oldest and largest library association in the world, with more than 57,000 members


The year 1933 happens to be the most significant year in the history of Library and Information Science in India. It was September 13, 1933 when Indian Library Association was formally formed at the First All India Library Conference at Calcutta.

Indian Library Association since its inception   has provided a wide variety of services and programs to its members and also others, who seek technical support or advice. The three components, namely The Council, The Executive Committee and the Sectional Committees are responsible for Policy making and the execution of the Programmers of ILA.